Friday, October 11, 2019

My adventures at Chicago Airport (ORD)

     On Wednesday, October 2, I was traveling from Karlovy Vary to Columbia. At 7 in the morning there was a bus to Prague, and then a flight to Columbia with stops in Philadelphia and Chicago, where I arrived at about 7pm. From Chicago, I had a flight AA3172 to Columbia at 8:50 pm from gate G19A. Then the gates began to change: G5, G1, L8, H2. I ran between these gates, like a hare, an old hare with sore legs.
    Then the departure times started to change, to 9:15 pm, 10:35 pm, 11:30 pm, 12:15 pm, 1:00 am, 3:00 am.
    The flight was delayed because the plane was being repaired at that time. Around 11:00 pm, passengers were divided into two groups: pessimists and optimists.
    Pessimists did not believe that the plane would be repaired and asked for a hotel. All the pessimists were given a hotel, and vouchers for a taxi and a meal.  We were given tickets for the new Flight at 8:45 a.m. My hotel was a half-hour drive from the airport. It was pouring rain, but I quickly found a taxi. 
    Optimists waited for about another 2 hours when they were told that the plane could not be fixed until morning. They were taken to a large room with many beds, where they could sleep until morning. Their plane flew to Columbia approximately at the same time as ours. 

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